Wish upon a star *

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A new way

One week ago, I brought my motorbike all the way to Penang. I have been downgraded from driving car to work -> riding bike to work. At first, I was uncomfortable taking a bike to work, it was so cold sometimes in the morning, and on other time, too hot. It mess up my hair too having to wear a helmet. Anyhow, I went on riding to work for the whole past week. There's only one day in a week where I get to drive to work, which is the day when my sis don't have classes.

Changing back to car after one whole week of bike, I notice the good side of the transportation change. Before that, I only notice the bad effect, which is it mess up my hair. And I think it is not any faster compare to car, though I didn't really timed it before (I was wrong, it IS a lot faster!).

The good thing about bike is that I don't have to queue at a traffic light. I can zoom past all the cars waiting in line and stop right in front of the traffic light, without feeling bad about jumping queue (I hate cars who jump queue, who gives them the privillege to cut in front while others are queuing behind?). Also, being on a bike, I will not get pissed off by all those slow turtle who never know they are slow and still drive on the fast lane (this might probably increase my life span 5 to 10 years longer cos i get very angry on the road if I were in a car, trailing behind them). This truly cut short travelling time. By riding a bike to work, I also cut my monthly spending on petrol consumption by half.
So far, I travelled 100km from Taiping to Penang, go to Georgetown for some touring, 5 days of to and fro from work which all total to 192km. It only cost me RM16.80 of petrol, which means it is as little as 8.75cents per km. If I'd use the car, it'd cost me anywhere between 17 to 20cents per km.

Isn't it good to be on a bike? If it doesn't rain, that is! :)



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