Wish upon a star *

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New column in side bar

I've added in a new column into my side bar, Dory's shared item. In this column I'll share out links/news or whatever it is that I find it interesting. It will be updated from time to time.

There are currently 3 links in it now, the reason I shared them is because:
1) The first link is a nice picture to share

2) The solar halo happens in Penang :)

3) I hv few words to say about the road name.
In my opinion, this is an impractical things to do. It is good to remember and give credit to people who contribute to the country but why road names? We don't need long road names. It is time consuming when filling in address in forms, some online forms do not have enough space provided for long addresses, and it is difficult to remember.

Anyway, remember to check out my shared items column everytime you stop by.



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